(Sue's note: This is kind of technical.)

Brian spent 1/2 day with an experienced diesel mechanic re-setting engine valve timing and then looking over both engines for potential future issues. Great news, we found some. We will be replacing the starboard engine main water pump over the next few days. We also found a crack in the port engine radiator cap fitting. The radiator cap sleeves need to be removed and replaced. Both issues are easy to resolve (already had a spare water pump on board), they may just make our schedule for the last couple weeks spent in Kenosha a little complicated. We will also have a marine electrician on board the week of July 23 to help resolved a shore power ground fault issue. Once that is resolved we may need to do some work on the forward air conditioning unit (we can't be sure that is needed until we get the power issue resolved). Nothing like a deadline to help bring issues to closure.