Wednesday, June 19, 2019

We departed from Atlantic City at 7:40am on swells that were still running about 2 feet. Two other Loopers were seen traveling a little closer to shore.  Around 10AM the fog rolled in with a change in the wind, also causing the seas to become a bit more confused with the crosswind. About an hour later the fog lifted enough to see more comfortably but the choppy seas continued so the ride was not quite as pleasant. Bo took it in stride with a little cuddling up to Sue, but less than expected. He'll get the hang of this about the time we get back to Kenosha! When we traveled with the current/tide, plus a push from the swells, our typical 10mph speed would bump up to over 13mph; we even saw a short burst (that is several seconds, not minutes) of 14.2mph! Though when going against the current, we got pushed back to 7.4 mph. Yes, the current giveth and the current taketh away!

We arrived at Hoffman’s Marina at 1:30pm. The marina is located on the Manasquan River and can have a strong current running through the docks. Some Loopers try to avoid this stop so they don’t have to deal with docking here. It took three tries to get docked, but we did so without hitting anything, which the nearby boat owners were thankful for as they closely watched us back into the slip. (Nothing like a little pressure from the locals! - They were actually very nice.)   

We walked in the rain to dinner at the nearby Pig and Parrot restaurant where we also got to enjoy a very good guitar player until heading back to the boat.

Tomorrow we leave New Jersey for Staten Island, New York.